Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ Snowed In ~ December 1996

A record snowfall for Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. It started to snow on Christmas day, December 1996, and it just kept snowing and snowing and snowing. These photos were taken about New Year's day. The mound of snow to the right of the telephone pole, in front of the house across the street, is actually a car that's buried.

The second photo is taken at the back of the apartment. Those two pyramids of snow are actually two cars that are parked in the lot behind my building.

In the Pacific North West at lower elevations, particularly Vancouver and Victoria, we usually get rain rather than snow. However, this time the City was completely shut down. A local radio station coordinated help for the elderly, those shut-in, and others in need by arranging to get groceries and prescriptions, etc. The last snow fall like this was in the late 1930's.

Actually it was fun too. People snow shoeing and skiing down the middle of what was usually a very busy street.

The world-wide weather just keeps getting crazier and crazier.


  1. Love your blog! I love cdvs and dags. Unfortunately, there are none in existence of my family on either side. Only one or two cabinet cards from the 1890's. Have a wonderful New Year!
    Take Care,

  2. Hi Robin
    Thanks for visiting. I'm very fortunate to have my paternal grandparent's CDV album. Probably now well over 100 years old. I really treasure those old photos even though I don't know who they are!
    Happy New Year!
