I've been offline for several months but thought I'd post this today in hopes of helping this viewer - Mel Morrow.
Here is a copy of a request from him in August 2013. Maybe one of you know something about the Inistioge Cemetery, Ontario, Canada or the Morrow family.
It's a longshot but I'm amazed at what happens on the net!
August 14, 2013 at 6:21 PM
Hi, my name is Melvin J.Morrow, my gggrandfather is in the Inistioge Cemetery. I visited there about 10 years ago. He was killed in a farming accident in 1860. I was concerned with the condition of his headstone. I saw a picture of it today on the internet that was taken in 2009 and it actually looks better than when I was there. If it is still legible I would appreciate some one dropping me a line. My
email is: melandmarsha@live.com. Thanks,
16 hours ago